This has been a strange season. My fam jam has stayed home more than we ever have. Luckily we get along pretty well, so there haven't been too many raised voices around here. Working from home has been a test for many, so here are some things I've learned along the way.
I like my people. It's actually fun to hang out with them!
Having family in town has been a life saver. We get together for supper regularly, and it's helped so much with the monotony.
Laughter is medicine. Although many times it has been at my expense, a hard belly-laugh is good for the soul.
You can worship anywhere. Prayer walks around the neighborhood, online services, signing with your favorite CD, and bible study classes via the internet can fill the void until gathering is safe again.
Grocery shopping pick up style is the greatest thing ever invented. Enough said.
I get bored cooking every night after 3-4 weeks.
I am the only one in the house that turns the light off when leaving a room.
I should've invested more in pjs/loungewear.
You can grow potatoes from a potato. Carrots and celery too!
The later in summer it gets, the earlier you have to walk or the heat becomes unbearable.
You can start an online business with under $100 and make extra cash. Here's the link.
Yesterday, hub and I sat down and ate in a restaurant for the first time since March. It felt a little strange, but we went after the lunch rush so it wasn't crowded at all. We felt safe, and a bit like teenagers in our own little world. We were impressed by the measures the restaurant took to maintain all of the safety requirements. Bravo to Derks!
What things have you learned since March? Are you working from home like me? Share words of wisdom and tips below. Subscribe to and support my wonderfully weird world! It's FREE!